// =============================================================================
/*! countinmultiples */
/*! author: Toni Price (https://toni.rbind.io) */
// =============================================================================
* Class to manage static configuration information for the number grid and
* associated classes.
* @typedef {Object} Config
export class Config {
// Note: Set to false to disable the title animation
static enableTitleAnimator = true;
// Whether to show the no. of rows (computed from no. of columns)
static showNRowLbl = true;
// Initial value for number of cells in the grid
static initNCell = 100;
// Initial value for the multiple to count
static initMultiple = 5;
// Initial value for whether 'compute the number of columns' is checked or not
static initComputeColsChecked = true;
// Initial value for number of columns in the grid - only actually used when
// the UI is set to *not* compute the number of columns on initialisation
static initNCols = 10;
// Initial value for whether 'show high multiple' is checked or not
static initHighMultChecked = true;
// -----------------------------------
// Animation vars
// Set initial animation speed
// Default animation execution interval in milliseconds
// (500 is moderate; 700 would probably be reasonable for counting along; 250
// is fast for testing)
// For Config.minExecInterval=100 and Config.maxExecInterval=1200, an exec
// interval of 633 corresponds to a speed of 52; 660 to a speed of 50.
// Note: Set Config.defaultExecInterval to 250 for a faster default
static defaultExecInterval = 660;
// Minimum and maximum speed to display for range slider (and limits for speed
// input). Note that these will be converted into an exec interval according
// to the scale specified by Config.minExecInterval and
// Config.maxExecInterval.
static minSpeed = 1;
static maxSpeed = 100;
// Step change for animation speed (up or down)
static speedChangeStep = 10.0;
// When the currently animated cell goes past the end of the vertical
// viewport, this is the autoscroll distance in pixels (px)
static autoScrollDistance = 220;
// Config.minExecInterval and Config.maxExecInterval determine the scale of
// the animation speed range
static minExecInterval = 100;
static maxExecInterval = 1200;
// -----------------------------------
// Font size settings
// Default font size clamp string: clamp(0.9rem, 2.0cqi + 0.4rem, 2.0rem)
static fontSizeMin = 0.9; // rem
static fontSizeSlope = 2.0; // cqi
static fontSizeIntercept = 0.4; // rem
static fontSizeMax = 2.0; // rem
// Percentage change for sizing grid font (up or down)
static fontSizeChangePct = 10.0;
// -----------------------------------
// UI display text
// Start and Stop button text for various State values
static btnStartText = 'Start';
static btnStopText = 'Stop';
static btnPauseText = 'Stop';
static btnContinueText = 'Continue';
static btnRestartText = 'Restart';
static btnClearText = 'Clear';
// -----------------------------------
// HTML element ids
static gridId = 'num-grid';
static multInpId = 'mult-inp';
static highMultChkId = 'high-mult-chk';
static highMultChkLblId = 'high-mult-chk-lbl';
static highMultLblId = 'high-mult-lbl';
static nCellInpId = 'ncell-inp';
static speedRangeId = 'speed-range';
static speedInpId = 'speed-inp';
static nColInpId = 'ncol-inp';
static computeColsChkId = 'compute-ncol-chk';
static computeColsChkLblId = 'compute-ncol-chk-lbl';
static nRowLblId = 'nrow-lbl';
static startBtnId = 'start-btn';
static pauseContinueBtnId = 'pause-continue-btn';
static clearBtnId = 'clear-btn';
static speedUpBtnId = 'speed-up-btn';
static speedResetBtnId = 'speed-reset-btn';
static speedDownBtnId = 'speed-down-btn';
static sizeUpBtnBtnId = 'size-up-btn';
static sizeResetBtnId = 'size-reset-btn';
static sizeDownBtnBtnId = 'size-down-btn';
// -----------------------------------
// CSS-related vars
// Note: Config.cellHorzPadding must correspond with css var
// '--cell-h-padding' in style.scss
static cellHorzPadding = 0.1; // em
// The amount of slack to allow on each size of the grid number in a cell
static horzCellSlack = 0.5; // em
// Grid border style
// Note that this must match the css style rule for #num-grid border
static gridBorderStyle = '1px solid var(--table-border-clr)';
// Prefix for cell class names in the HTML
static cellIdClassPrefix = 'cell-';
static cellHighlightClassName = 'cell-hilite';
static disabledClassName = 'disabled';
static btnAttentionClassName = 'attention';
// Link for countinmultiples page
static countinmultiplesId = 'countinmultiples';
// Container class name for the config form (for config user inputs)
static configContainerClassName = 'config-fields';
// Container class name for columns in the config form
static configColClassName = 'col';
// Class name of HTML element that holds error messages in the UI
static errContainerClassName = 'col__extra-info';
static inputErrClassName = 'input-err';
// Id of container for the run controls form (e.g. stop/start/clear etc.)
static controlsContainerId = 'run-controls';
// Id of run controls form (for stop/start/clear etc.)
static controlsId = 'controls';
// Class name of tooltip container element
static tooltipContainerClassName = 'tooltip';
// Class name of element which holds the actual tooltip text
static tooltipTextClassName = 'tooltip__text';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------